Diversity's Community SPONSORS
Diversity: The Voices of Sarasota expresses our heartfelt gratitude to the community sponsors listed below for their investment in our concert series. Their financial support enables us to raise our voices in harmony, spread the message of acceptance and foster an inclusive arts community.

Through the proceeds of a consignment business, provide financial support to local visual and performing arts organizations and programs, and to students in the visual and performing arts. Exchange has been able to award $9 million in grants and scholarship in support of our local art community. We are grateful for their sponsorship of our Season 27 concert series.

Community Foundation of Sarasota County is a public charity founded in 1979 by the Southwest Florida Estate Planning Council as a resource for caring individuals and the causes they support, enabling them to make a charitable impact on the community. We are grateful for their sponsorship of our Season 26 concert series.

Gulf Coast Community Foundation was founded in 1995 to serve our community - forever. Gulf Coast transforms the region through bold and proactive philanthropy. Gulf Coast has surpassed granting over $575 million in the areas of: health and human services, civic and economic development, education, arts and culture, and the environment. Since 2006, the Foundation has earned accreditation with Community Foundations National Standards®. We are grateful for their active investment in our Season 27 concert series.

Project Pride is a nonprofit that unites Sarasota’s diverse community by providing social connection and expands awareness and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community by creating strategic partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and government towards a shared goal. Thank you

Venice Pride is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are proud members of InterPride and dedicated to education, to the commemoration of LGBT heritage and to the celebration of LGBT culture and liberation.

Church of the Trinity Metropolitan Community Churchis founded on the precepts of inclusion, diversity and Christian Social Action. We are grateful for your collaboration and in-kind donation that supported our Season 26 concert series.

Sarasota Art Museum provided 15,000 square feet of dedicated exhibition gallery space as a performance venue to the choir’s 25th Anniversary. Art and design exists and thrives through diversity. Diversity of thought and perspective shapes cultures and conversations. These tenets comprise the foundation on which Ringling College is built and connect us. We are grateful for their in-kind donation.

D&J Cleaning Services specialize in commercial and residential cleanings. We are grateful for their in-kind services and financial donations.

Hausch Design is a hybrid creative marketing communications firm that is focused on helping small organizations grow and build equity by creating strong brand programs. We are grateful for their in-kind services that help us communicate our mission and events throughout the region.

Diversity's Community PARTNERS
Through strong partnerships with allied organizations, Diversity: The Voices of Sarasota unites the Suncoast community, promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion. Together, we create a safe,artistic home for LGBTA+ residents where they can authentically express themselves through song. Below are the collaborations that we’re most proud of today and in the future.

Faith Lutheran Church proudly serves as the home of Diversity: The Voices of Sarasota. Faith Lutheran is an ELCA Lutheran Church that seeks to reflect the true, unending love of Christ, and to promote peace, social justice and grace.

Diversity is a proud member of GALA Choruses, the international association of the lesbian and gay choral movement. Founded in 1982, GALA Choruses represents 190 choruses, their 10,000 singers and 750,000 patrons in Australia, Europe, Israel, South America, and North America

One City Chorus is St. Petersburg's non-auditioning community chorus, singing songs of social justice and civil rights. Each year, Diversity and One City hosts a collaborative concert, uniting our communities and shared audiences.

St. Boniface Episcopal Church is the 463-seat performance venue for our Season 27 concert series. St. Boniface’s mission is to live and reflect God's love through worship, teaching, healing, and outreach to all creation.

Sarasota Magazine is more than just a publication; it’s a community of readers, contributors, and local leaders passionate about making Sarasota the best it can be. With an award-winning 45-year history as the region’s premier publication, they deliver insightful, high-quality content that resonates with our readers and reflects the unique spirit of our community. We're honored to be awarded their 2025 Unity Award.

Sarasota Rising hosts Sarasota’s annual arts-centric festival in November 2024. The nonprofit’s mission is to activate our Cultural Coast as a year-long arts destination by collaborating with area arts organizations and the business community to produce exciting events that build community pride, elevate artistic expression and boost economic prosperity. We’re excited to collaborate and perform at this year’s festival!

SarasotaOUT.com is a media partner to the choir. Launched in 2016, SarasotaOUT.com has a bold vision - to enrich, promote, and unite Sarasota's LGBT community.